Business Network

January 17th

January 18th

What is the ADHONEP Convention?

The ADHONEP International Convention is the world’s largest business and networking event, now reaching its third edition in the United States. Businesspeople, market leaders, public figures, and civil and military authorities from around the globe gather for this grand event in the heart of Florida.

Begin your year 2025 by experiencing this unforgettable occasion! Here, you will find opportunities for personal and professional development, leadership enhancement, business growth, and the promotion of high performance.

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Why should you attend the 3rd ADHONEP Convention in the United States?


An ideal environment to cultivate relationships and connect with influential and prospective business partners.


A prime opportunity to establish an exclusive network that fosters both personal and professional development and growth.


Engage in lectures, meetings, and the exchange of ideas that will elevate your life, family, and business to extraordinary heights.


Guest Speakers

Janio Cesar da Silva

Janio Cesar da Silva is an evangelist, missionary, pastor, international speaker, and best-selling author who is married to Jessyca Nathielly. He is father of two daughters, Aimée and Julie.

He has been in ministry for over 20 years and has preached in over 40 nations worldwide. His mission is to spread the message of faith and hope to help those who are suffering in the world.

Through his evangelistic crusades, thousands of people have been saved, and miraculous healings have taken place, including the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the mute talking, and the lame and paralyzed walking. During his campaigns, literally hundreds of miracles have occurred.

In addition to preaching, Janio also devotes himself to teaching the Word and promoting conferences and seminars for pastors and leaders from various denominations.

He founded and runs Janio Cesar World Evangelism (JCWE) with his wife, which is based in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

Janio Cesar da Silva is also a Co-evangelist for Osborn Ministries International and serves as an assistant pastor at International Gospel Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He holds a specialization in Pastoral Ministry from RBT College in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Todd Chapman

Janio Cesar da Silva, casado com Jessyca Nathielly da Silva, pai de Aimée e Julie, evangelista, missionário, pastor, conferencista internacional, escritor e professor de institutos bíblicos.
Nos seus mais de 20 anos de ministério, Janio já pregou o Evangelho em mais de 40 nações ao redor do mundo e sua missão tem sido levar a mensagem de fé e esperança. Milhares e milhares estão sendo salvos e curas miraculosas estão acontecendo, tais como: cegos vendo, surdos ouvindo, mudos falando, coxos e paralíticos andando… Literalmente centenas de milagres ocorrem em suas campanhas.

Além das cruzadas evangelísticas e de sua grande inclinação à pregação, ele também tem se dedicado ao ensino da Palavra, promovendo conferências e seminários para pastores e líderes de diversas denominações no Brasil e exterior.
Junto com sua esposa, fundou e preside o Ministério Janio Cesar World Evangelism, com sedes no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos.
Sua formação acadêmica inclui Especialização em Ministério Pastoral pelo RBT College – Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Além dos trabalhos no JCWE, também atua como coevangelista do Osborn Ministries International e serve como pastor assistente na International Gospel Center, ambos em Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Marcelo Jammal

Todd Chapman…


Hotel Landy Orlando
Universal Blvd

7800 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819

Frequently Asked Questions

The ADHONEP Convention offers a unique opportunity to forge professional connections with individuals who share your worldview, principles, and values. Additionally, you will receive targeted training designed to elevate your performance across all key pillars of success in your life. Many businesses around the world have been initiated and have experienced exponential growth following the immersive experience provided during this two-day event.

No, attendance at the Convention is entirely free, except for the Opening Dinner, which requires the purchase of an invitation. However, registration is mandatory to secure your place.

Yes, ADHONEP offers ADHONEP KIDS, a special program for children aged 2 to 12. This dedicated space is available throughout the main program, from the first session to the final meeting on Saturday.

Click here and access the Opening Dinner registration area and register now.

Registration and Ticket

Attendance at the Convention is entirely free, except for the Opening Dinner, which requires
the purchase of an invitation. However, registration is mandatory to secure your place.

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